Hjálp! IMF!

Nokkrar glósur um þessi ágætu "hjálparsamtök" sem eiga að rústa þessu fallega landi endanlega: 

af wikipedia:

Life and Debt is a 2001 American documentary film directed by Stephanie Black. It examines the economic and social situation in Jamaica, and specifically the impact thereon of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank's globalization policies. Its starting point is the award-winning non-fiction essay A Small Place by Jamaica Kincaid.

Kathleen C. Fennessy's review of the documentary states:

“Set to a beguiling reggae beat, Life and Debt takes as its subject Jamaica's economic decline in the 20th century. The story has reverberations in the plight of other third-world nations blindsided by globalization, like Ghana and Haiti. After England granted Jamaica independence in 1962, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) stepped in with a series of loans.”

These loans were conditional on structural adjustment policies, which requiring Jamaica to enact economic reforms - trade liberalization, privatization, and deregulation. However, the reforms were unsuccessful and left the country with $4.6 billion dollars in debt. The film blames the IMF and the West for causing this situation.

The film features a number of interviews with former Jamaican Prime Minister Michael Manley in which he critiques the system of International Financial Institution loans. He is particularly critical of required structural adjustments as an attack on the sovereignty of many former colonial nations and suggests the system is akin to imperialism or neocolonialism. Similar claims have been made popular by former Chief Economist of the World Bank Joseph Stiglitz.


af youtube um myndina sem ég linkaði á í síðustu færslu um málið:

 How the IMF underdevelops Africa (1/6)

Why, 50 years after independence, is Ghana, which is rich in minerals and is a stable democracy, still one of the poorest ... Why, 50 years after independence, is Ghana, which is rich in minerals and is a stable democracy, still one of the poorest countries in the world? This documentary examines the activities of multinational corporations, as well as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, to find out whether they have actually made countries like Ghana worse off. And, most importantly, asks how we, as consumers and citizens, can make a difference.
Þessi grein er mikilvæg varðandi þessi málefni:
I have been banging out year after the year the two key coordinates that we need to understand to get a fix on what is truly happening in the world. These are (a) where those in control wish to take us and (b) the methods they use to get us there.
Put the two together and a world of apparent confusion, chaos and complexity takes on crystal clarity.

(agenda um eina heimsríkisstjórn í grunnatriðum sem er útskýrð með skýringamynd)

The main technique that is used to advance this agenda is what I call Problem-Reaction-Solution, which goes like this: Create a problem covertly and blame someone or something else for what you have secretly done; tell the people through an unquestioning and pathetic mainstream media the version of the problem you want the masses to believe; then openly offer, through changes in society, the 'solution' to the problem you have yourself created. This 'solution' is always the installation of more centralised control.
Take these simple coordinates and apply them to the events of the last few days and weeks and everything morphs into focus.
The banking 'crash' has been coldly designed to create the 'problem' that can lead to the 'solution' - a massive centralisation of power in the 'private' and 'government' banking systems, both of which are owned and controlled by the same network of families.
Look at that chart above and you will see 'World Central Bank', the body the Elite want to impose to control the entire global financial system. As a result of the economic turmoil, we are now seeing this being proposed to 'solve the problem' of the banking chaos and to 'make sure it never happens again'.

They have not yet, to my knowledge, used the term 'World Central Bank', but that is precisely what they mean when they talk about a new structure to police the global banking system. This theme was summed up in a headline in the UK Daily Telegraph: Global financial crisis: does the world need a new banking 'policeman'?

Then there is the world army. I said in And The Truth Shall Set You Free, written in 1994, that the world army would be a fusion of the UN 'peacekeeping' forces and NATO. This week the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov revealed his 'shock' that the UN and NATO had secretly signed a cooperation agreement without all UN member states reading the draft.
This agreement declared that the two secretariats would work together with the common aim of 'maintaining international security on the basis of the UN Charter and certain international directives'. Now, er, what could that mean?
Under the radar, at least the mainstream radar, so much has been going on while the masses watched the latest game or soap. How frustrating it has been to see the warnings ignored and ridiculed as today became ever closer.
Now the chickens are coming home and they are wearing jackboots.
Are we going to grasp the opportunity to act now that the game is being revealed by daily experience? Or is the human race so detached from consciousness that it will still close it's eyes or freeze with fear?
We'll soon see.
I sit here now utterly exhausted after five weeks of almost non-stop travelling and talking in Europe and then America. It is amazing how hard it hits you once you stop. But come Monday morning, and a couple of nights sleep, off we go again with renewed efforts. This is no time to tire, no time to give up on freedom in the face of the challeges we are now facing by the day.
Quite the opposite.
Yes, this is a time of challenge, but it is also offers a wonderful opportunity - IF enough backsides and sofas are willing to part company.

og svo þessi ritgerð:

Economic Terrorism

by:  Michel Chossudovsky


In Yugoslavia, the IMF has become the steadfast financial bureaucracy of the Western military alliance, working hand in glove with NATO and the US State Department.


The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is known to bully developing countries, imposing strong doses of "deadly economic medicine" while saddling governments with spiraling external debts. In complicity with Washington, the IMF often meddles in cabinet appointments in debtor countries. In Korea in the turmoil of the 1997 Asian crisis, the Finance Minister --sacked for allegedly "hindering negotiations" with the IMF-- was replaced by a former IMF official.1 In Turkey, also in the wake of an IMF-style financial meltdown (March 2001), the Minister of Economy was substituted by a Vice-President of the World Bank. 2-


Hér er öll greinin hans en ég sá fyrirlestur eftir Chossudovsky í norræna húsinu sem var vægast sagt áhugaverður og fjallaði að mestu um kjarnorkuvopna áætlanir Bandaríkjahers.

Lesið ykkur til um þetta og látið í ykkur heyra! Það má ekki gerast að við verðum sem þjóð hlekkjuð við skuldir og vaxtavítahring! Auðmannatussurnar skulda þennan pening! ekki ég og ekki þú!

Það ætti að tjóðra og fiðra þessa menn... og velta þeim niður arnarhól og leyfa krökkum að klípa þá á leiðinni....

mbl.is IMF tilbúinn að hjálpa Íslandi
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1 Smámynd: Pétur Hlíðar Magnússon

takk fyrir gódan pakka :) skodadu líka http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=7065205277695921912&hl=en 


Pétur Hlíðar Magnússon, 14.10.2008 kl. 21:48

2 Smámynd: Jón Steinar Ragnarsson

Flettu þessum John Lipsky upp. Hann ér stjórnarformaður JP Morgan Chase og var í Chase Manhattan áður en JP tók hann yfir. Hann hefur líka verið við stjórn og tengst gjaldþrota og skandalabönkum á við Salomon Brothers, sem rændi og ruplaði. Þeim tengist svo hið alræmda kompany Citygroup og að sjálfsögðu Smith Barney, sem fór á hausinn með skelli og Davíð Oddson taldi hafa verið samsæri, enda var tapið stórt hér. Semsagt, þessi kompaní, sem hann hefur komið að hafa öll tengst húnæðislánaskandalnum (undirmálslánin) og öðru sukki, sem er ástæða þessa krass. Nú er hann að taka völd hjá þeim, sem voru slegnir kaldir. Menn gerast ekki meira NWO en þetta.

Googlaðu þessi kompaní.

Jón Steinar Ragnarsson, 14.10.2008 kl. 23:36

3 Smámynd: Ólafur Þórðarson

Já góð samantekt. IMF er sannarlega hættuspil, en þeir virðast hugsa lengra en Bjöggarnir!

Ólafur Þórðarson, 14.10.2008 kl. 23:51

4 Smámynd: Guðjón Heiðar Valgarðsson

já maður, er að byrja að tékka á þessu, en þegar þessi nöfn fara að heyrast þá er það ekkert mikið vafamál, jpmorgan og salomon brothers (sem t.d. áttu wtc byggingu 7, eða amk upprunalega og var lengi talað um hana sem salomon brothers bygginguna, en miðað við það sem þú skrifar vissirðu það eflaust)

takk fyrir ábendinguna!

Guðjón Heiðar Valgarðsson, 15.10.2008 kl. 03:23

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