Færsluflokkur: Stjórnmál og samfélag
24.10.2008 | 10:28
nú gusast út úr þeim bullið
ok, hvaða fávitar komuð því þannig fyrir til að byrja með að íslenskir skattgreiðendur væru trygging fyrir þessum lánum.
Ég man þegar ég var yngri þá fékk ég einhverntíman lán sem pabbi minn skrifaði upp á, en hann samþykkti það amk. Í þessu tilviki skrifuðum við ekki upp á neina ábyrgð! Við vorum ekki einu sinni látin vita!
Ég mæli með þessari mynd, Zeitgeist Addendum og vil líka benda á hóp á facebook sem er áskorun til rúv um að sýna myndina.
Yfirlýsing viðskiptaráðherra | |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
22.10.2008 | 10:38
þvílíkt og annað eins helvít** kjaftæði
** eru vegna þess að ég er á skilmálum þar sem ég má ekki drulla gumsi úr pussu minni í fyrirsögnum frétta en þó er mér heimilt að gera það í bloggfærslunum sjálfum...
þið hljótið að vera að segja brandara... þetta hlýtur að vera einhver svona satire samtök... svipað og onion, þeim getur hreinlega ekki verið alvara...??
Við fáum einhliða fréttaflutning af öllum fréttum um öll málefni!
Síðast var það siðlausasti einhliða áróður sem ég get ímyndað mér þar sem kvöldfréttir rúv færðu rök fyrir því að réttlætanlegt væri að pynta þegna þjóðarinnar undir vissum kringumstæðum. Ég vildi óska þess að þessar ógeðslegu gubbkuntur myndu halda sig við að grafa upp lík til að nauðga frekar en að láta þeirra ógeðslegu sadista fantasíur bitna á saklausu fólki. Líkin eru amk ekki með tilfinningar.
Á landi þar sem tveir stærstu bleðlar landsins eru nú sameinaðir, sem voru þó nógu bullandi samtaka fyrr og sjónvarpsfréttir stöðvar 2 eru endursýning á fréttum RÚV, veldur það mér gubbupest og niðurgangi í senn að heyra að við teljumst samkvæmt einhverjum mælikvörðum hafa mest fjölmiðlafrelsi... greyið aðrar þjóðir, mikið hlýtur ástandið að vera slæmt þar.
Þvílíkt og annað eins helvítis kjaftæði... helvítis fávitar og kúkablesar! það ætti að maka svona lið út í kúk og bólugreftri og henda því ofan í horbað þar sem það væri neytt til að stunda ógeðslegt kynlíf.
djöfull eruði ógeðslegt lið. Ojbara... að þurfa að lesa um þetta hjá þessum fasistamiðli!
þið kunnið ekki einu sinni að skammast ykkar.
Fjölmiðlafrelsi mest á Íslandi | |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
21.10.2008 | 10:36
veit einhver um buxurnar mínar?
hvað gerði eiginlega landsbankinn nákvæmlega til að fallast undir þessa skilgreiningu?
eigum við ekki skilið amk að vita amk hverjar þær ásakanir sem valda þessu eru?
Gjaldþrot er varla eini glæpur bankans!
Þeir hljóta hreinlega að hafa brotið lög, ekki það að ég taki mikið mark á öðrum á þessum lista sem er svona samansafn yfir best of skotmörk bandaríkjastjórnar... en hvernig endaði landsbankinn þar?
ég veit að þetta eru glæpamenn... en hvernig eru þeir meiri glæpamenn en aðrir bankar? nú er ég þó auðvitað ekki að líkja þeim við verstu bankana eins og JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup og Morgan Stanley og fleiri rockefeller veldi.... en halló hér?
hver er ásökunin? hvaða glæpi frömdu þeir og hvað áttu þeir stóran þátt í að gera þetta lið svona ríkt?
mbl? einhverjar upplýsingar?
Landsbanki í slæmum félagsskap | |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
20.10.2008 | 14:10
talað í dölum..?
hvar er fréttin? hverjir verða skilmálarnir þá? afhverju er þess ekki krafist að milljarðamæringarnir sem steyptu Íslandi í skuldir greiði þetta? eða við ættum kannski að biðja þá um lán til að redda okkur!
Ég vil fá að sjá tölur! Hverjir töpuðu hverju og af hverju! og hver ákvað að ég og börnin mín (sem ég á reyndar ekki) eigum að borga? hvenær og afhverju ákvað hann það?
og svo kannski mikilvægari spurning en hverjir töpuðu, hverjir græddu?
já mikið væri forvitnilegt að sjá hverjir eru að græða á öllu þessu núna.
ég vil leggja fram amk tvær tillögur, Alcoa og Alcan-Rio Tinto
En hverjir fleiri?
Óska eftir 6 milljörðum dala | |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
19.10.2008 | 07:38
Leyfðu mér að giska...? einn gjaldmiðill fyrir allan heiminn?
Héðan í frá er bannað að nota eftirfarandi rök eða nokkur lík þeim í rökræðum eða samræðum:
"Þetta hljómar eins og samsæriskenning."
Ég sá þessi rök einhverntíman um daginn og nú vil ég að við svona málflutningi verði lagt blátt bann!
Skítt með málfrelsi þegar svona fruss er annars vegar!
Þetta eru ekki rök gegn kenningu frekar en "hún hljómar eins og frænka mín" eru rök fyrir sambandi.
Þeir sem segja þetta eru með svo þrönga hlekki á hugsun sinni að þeir fundu orð yfir ákveðið svæði sem þeir eru skilyrtir til að trúa, allt fyrir utan það skilgreina þeir sem "samsæriskenningu" sem hljóti þess vegna að vera röng.
Það er sama um hvað samsæriskenningin er, ef hún er um tannkrem... "ég held að colgate tannkrem noti mörg efni sem eru ónauðsynleg tannhirðu og skaðleg fólki." t.d. Það sem hinn skilyrti einstaklingur gerir er ekki að athuga málið, kanna innihaldslýsinguna og rannsaka hvort þau séu skaðleg eða hvað liggi á bakvið þessa fullyrðingu.
Hann gerir bara ráð fyrir að þetta geti ekki verið satt. "Þetta hljómar eins og samsæriskenning." Og með nokkrum frekar almennum rökum afskrifar hann alla nánari athugun á málinu "Tannlæknar myndu ekki mæla með því" (sérfræðingurinn) "Colgate væri ekki svona vinsælt" (samfélagið) "Afhverju ættu þeir að gera það?" (samviskan) og svo framvegis.
Það er að segja treystir á utanaðkomandi aðila til að hugsa fyrir sig.
Annað dæmi, "það rigndi furðulegri rauðri rigningu í Indlandi árið 2001" Hinn skilyrti hugur hugsar strax, það getur ekki verið.
Rökin: Vísindamenn hefðu gert mikið veður út af því, fjölmiðlar gripið það á lofti og kennarar kennt öllum um hvað átti sér stað og hvers vegna (sérfræðingarnir) "ég hefði heyrt um það áður" samfélagið.. og "rigning getur ekki verið rauð!" (rökhugsunin, sem jú, getur líka aftrað manni frá réttum niðurstöðum annars lagið)
Ef að ég héldi því fram við ykkur núna að þetta væri satt, rauð rigning hefði fallið í Indlandi.. Hvað hugsið þið, akkurat núna ef þið eruð hreinskilin við sjálf ykkur? Samsæriskenning ekki satt? Bull!
Nema auðvitað þið séuð nógu klár til að afskrifa ekki allt svona, þess má til gamans geta að það var Bobby Fischer sem benti mér á þessa staðreynd fyrstur manna:
Ef þið efist þá færi ég ykkur fréttir:
Önnur rök sem ég ætla að banna eru öll sem tengjast þeim öryggisventlum sem þið treystið til að hugsa fyrir ykkur.
"ég er enginn sérfræðingur, ert þú einhver sérfræðingur í "**********"?"
"það myndi einhver hafa kjaftað"
"ég hefði heyrt af þessu áður"
"afhverju myndu þeir gera það? (oftast með þeim formerkjum að þeir samþykki ekki ástæður græðgi eða einhverju formi af "illsku" eða amk. vilja til að meiða og skaða)
"þetta er bara eins og "insert önnur samsæriskenning sem viðkomandi er búinn að hafna"
"Það þyrftu svo margir að hafa tekið þátt í því"
"og hvaða máli myndi það skipta þó það væri satt?" (oft um alvarleg málefni eins og t.d. 11.september eða önnur sem hafa haft augljós bein áhrif á líf okkar)
Þessi rök eiga það öll sameiginlegt að vera "algild" og hægt að nota þau fyrir allt sem "hljómar eins og samsæriskenning."
Þau fela aldrei í sér ígrundaða afstöðu til umræðuefnisins sem um ræðir og eru því ekki vísindalegar.
Hér eru svo nokkrar algengar hugmyndir um þá sem "aðhyllast samsæriskenningar" (eins og þetta sé hobbí...?? köllum þá frekar samsæriskenningaseggi) sem eiga ekki við rök að styðjast:
"Samsæriskenningaseggir sjá samsæri í öllu!"
Nú, margir sem hafa áttað sig á nokkrum samsærum eru mun meðvitaðari en hinn skilyrti einstaklingur um hversu mikið er verið að bulla í okkur og því líklegri til að leita að slíkum útskýringum á ýmsum málefnu. Stundum reynast þetta vera ranghugmyndir en oft ruglar fólk því líka saman að einhver sé að spá í hvort eitthvað gæti hugsanlega verið og að viðkomandi sé að "halda einhverju fram". Þetta stafar af því að þau samsæri sem hinn óskilyrti hugi hefur komist að hefur lært að hugsa opinskátt og sér því fleiri möguleika en hinn skilyrti.
Einnig virðist fólk eiga bágt með að skilja að þetta er í raun og veru bara eitt samsæri sem hefur marga anga. Það lítur oftast þeim formerkjum að það er sami hópurinn af fólki með puttana í þeim og þegar þeir skjóta upp kollinum eru margir skiljanlega fljótir að átta sig á að það sé partur af plottinu.
"Samsæriskenningaseggir eru ************"
ekki fokking neitt eitt, þeir hafa margir hverjir afar mismunandi áherslur á það hvers eðlis samsærið er, það sem þeir eiga sameiginlegt er hinsvegar vitneskjan um að það sé í gangi. Mikið meira er það ekki, þeir koma úr öllum áttum, starfstéttum, litarháttum, trúarbrögðum, fyrirtækjum og heimshornum.
"Samsæriskenningaseggir eru paranoid og geðveikir"
Hugmyndin um paranoiuna stafar af svipuðum völdum og hið fyrra, að sjá samsæri í öllu, stundum of mörgum. Í einhverjum tilvikum á hún rétt á sér, í öðrum er það hreinlega vegna þess að sumum finnst það sem þeir hafa uppgötvað að einhverju leyti að það hræðir þá sem leiðir í einstaka tilvikum til ranghugmynda. Geðveiki er hugmynd samfélagsins um óhefðbundna hegðun og hugsunarhátt. Fyrir mér er hin raunverulega geðveiki þunglyndi, er það ekki þá sem "geðið" manns er veikt? Þegar manni líður stöðugt illa?
Ég hef séð þvílíkan viðbjóð blasa við og þvílíka lyga og kjaftæði og heimsku og þvælu, hatur og fordóma, morð og fjöldamorð og rán og þrælahald og nefnið það.
Ég hef samt ekki glímt við þunglyndi. Svo ég á að mínu viti ekki við neina geðveiki að glíma.
Hluti af því er að hafa svartan húmor, ásamt því að trúa á hið fallega í tilverunni.
"Samsæriskenningaseggir eru ofbeldishneigðir og hatursfullir"
Þetta er mjög fjarri því að vera satt, margir eru vissulega reiðir í garð þeirra sem bera ábyrgð á lygunum en flestir eru mjög friðsælir í hugsun og reiðin stafar af því að traðkað er á réttlætiskennd þeirra. En flestir eru þó sáttari við að búa í heimi þar sem þeir eru að minnsta vaknaðir úr dásvefninum og það er góð tilfinning þó svo að dáleiðsludoði annarra geti verið lígjandi.
"Það er ekki hægt að afsanna samsæriskenningar."
Merkilegt að fólk líti á það sem rök fyrir því að þær séu rangar...! En margir segja þetta eins og að það að samsæriskenningaseggir láti ekki segjast þegar þeir koma með sín venjulegu "þetta er samsæriskenning, einhver hefði látið mig vita bla" rök. Vinsamlega reynið, og rökræðið, með einhver önnur rök í farteskinu, fyrir utan kannski þær allra þekktustu "debunking" rullur sem búið er að tyggja ofan í ykkur.
Flestar samsæriskenningar er ekki hægt að afsanna hreinlega því þær eru sannar.
Þetta samsæri sem er í gangi núna er búið að upplýsa fyrir löngu!
Gaurar að reyna að taka yfir heiminn, vondir! búa til vandamál og leysa þau með því að gefa sér meira vald."
Þessi kreppa var eins fyrirsjáanleg og fokking endirinn á 40 year old virgin. "I realized that I had been waiting for you" ég æli!
Meira að segja var komið myndband á youtube í maí sem sagði fyrir um þetta:
Planið er að fá einn gjaldmiðil fyrir alheiminn eins og búið er að útlista fyrir löngulöngu, hér árið 1996:
Sérstaklega vil ég biðja til þessara skilyrtu huga núna! Núna þegar verið er að hirða af ykkur og fjölskyldum ykkar sparnaðinn! Þið vitið að það er eitthvað að!! Farið að finna út hvað það er!
Bush boðar ráðstefnu helstu leiðtoga heimsins | |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
18.10.2008 | 02:02
Þessar kosningar eru tálsýn.
Hvaðan fá þessir menn allan þennan pening?
Merrill Lynch | $298,413 |
Citigroup Inc | $269,251 |
Morgan Stanley | $233,272 |
Goldman Sachs | $208,395 |
JPMorgan Chase & Co | $179,975 |
AT&T Inc | $174,487 |
Blank Rome LLP | $150,426 |
Credit Suisse Group | $150,025 |
Greenberg Traurig LLP | $146,787 |
UBS AG | $140,165 |
PricewaterhouseCoopers | $140,120 |
US Government | $137,617 |
Bank of America | $129,475 |
Wachovia Corp | $122,846 |
Lehman Brothers | $117,500 |
FedEx Corp | $113,453 |
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher | $104,250 |
US Army | $103,613 |
Bear Stearns | $99,300 |
Pinnacle West Capital | $97,700 |
ok, gott og vel... en hvað með Barack Obama?
Goldman Sachs | $691,930 |
University of California | $611,207 |
Citigroup Inc | $448,599 |
JPMorgan Chase & Co | $442,919 |
Harvard University | $435,769 |
Google Inc | $420,174 |
UBS AG | $404,750 |
National Amusements Inc | $389,140 |
Microsoft Corp | $377,235 |
Lehman Brothers | $370,524 |
Sidley Austin LLP | $350,302 |
Moveon.org | $347,463 |
Skadden, Arps et al | $340,264 |
Time Warner | $338,527 |
Wilmerhale Llp | $335,398 |
Morgan Stanley | $318,070 |
Latham & Watkins | $297,400 |
Jones Day | $289,476 |
University of Chicago | $278,885 |
Stanford University | $276,038 |
Fyrst, smá um Merrill Lynch:
"On November 1, 2007, Merrill Lynch CEO Stanley O'Neal left the company, after being criticized for the way he handled the subprime mortgage crisis, which resulted in about US $2.24 billion in unexpected losses, and for discussing in public the possible merger with Wachovia banking corporation, without being authorized by the board to do so. He left Merrill Lynch with about US $161 million worth of stock options and retirement benefits"
Hvað fór svo Stanley O'Neal að gera?
Ernest Stanley "Stan" O'Neal is an American businessman.
He currently serves on the board of Alcoa Inc. and is a former Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc., having served in numerous senior management positions at the company prior to this appointment. O'Neal was also a member of the board of directors of General Motors from 2001 through 2006.
já Alcoa segirðu! frábært, og svo tók við:
John Thain, CEO of the New York Stock Exchange, succeeded him as CEO on December 1, 2007.
On January 17, 2008, Merrill Lynch reported a $9.83 billion fourth quarter loss incorporating a $16.7 billion write down of assets associated with subprime mortgages.
Mr. Thain's memberships include:
- MIT Corporation, Dean's Advisory Council MIT Sloan School of Management,
- INSEAD U.S. National Advisory Board,
- James Madison Council of the Library of Congress,
- Federal Reserve Bank of New York's International Capital Markets Advisory Committee[8],
- French-American Foundation[9],
- Board of Trustees of the National Urban League, and
- the Trilateral Commission[10]
Takið eftir, Federal Reserve í New York og Trilateral Commission... ef þið þurfið upprifjun frá fyrri færslu:
The Trilateral Commission is a private organization, established to foster closer cooperation between America, Europe and Japan. It was founded in July 1973, at the initiative of David Rockefeller; who was Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations at that time. The Trilateral Commission is widely seen as a counterpart to the Council on Foreign Relations.[1]
og Federal Reserve í New York:
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York is the most important of the twelve Federal Reserve Banks of the United States.
The New York Federal Reserve is the only regional bank with a permanent vote on the Federal Open Market Committee and its president is traditionally selected as the Committee's vice chairman. The current president is Timothy F. Geithner.
Geithner was born in New York City. He graduated from International School of Bangkok, Thailand.[1] He worked for Kissinger and Associates in Washington, D.C., for three years and then joined the International Affairs division of the Treasury Department in 1988.
In 2001, he left the Treasury to join the Council on Foreign Relations as a Senior Fellow in the International Economics department. He then worked for the International Monetary Fund as the director of the Policy Development and Review Department until moving to the Fed in 2003. In 2006 he became a member of the influential Washington-based financial advisory body, the Group of Thirty.
og ég ætla að leyfa ykkur að giska hver stofnaði "the group og thirty"...
Smá um hópinn:
The Group of Thirty, often abbreviated to G30, is an international body of leading financiers and academics which aims to deepen understanding of economic and financial issues and to examine consequences of decisions made in the public and private sectors related to these issues. Topical areas within the interest of the group include:
- Foreign exchange, currency, etc.
- International capital markets
- International financial institutions
- Central banks and supervision of financial services and markets
- Macroeconomic issues such as product and labor markets, etc.
The group is noted for its advocacy of changes in global clearing and settlement.
The group consists of thirty members and includes the heads of major private banks and central banks, as well as members from academia and international institutions. It holds two full meetings each year and also organises seminars, symposia, and study groups. It is based in Washington, D.C.
og svo svarið... hlýtur að koma ykkur á óvart:
The Group of Thirty was founded in 1978 by Geoffrey Bell at the initiative of the Rockefeller Foundation,[1] which also provided initial funding for the body. Its first chairman was Johannes Witteveen, the former managing director of the International Monetary Fund. Its current chairman of trustees is Paul Volcker.
ok, semsagt, helsti styrktaraðili John McCain hefur rík tengsl við Rockefeller og allt það sullumbull.
en hvað með Obama?
Goldman Sachs:
The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., or simply Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS), is a large global bank holding company that engages in investment banking, securities and investment management.
The firm joined David Rockefeller and partners in a 50-50 join ownership of Rockefeller Center during 1994, but later sold the shares to Tishman Speyer in 2000. In 1996, Goldman was lead underwriter of the Yahoo! IPO and in 1998 it was global coordinator of the NTT DoCoMo IPO. In 1999, Henry Paulson took over as Senior Partner.
(ættu flestir að þekkja þann kauða núna)
og svo fyrir utan það að:
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dec. 29, 1994--Rockefeller Center Properties Inc. (RCPI) announced today that it had closed the previously announced transaction under which Goldman Sachs Mortgage Co. and Whitehall Street Real Estate Limited Partnership V (Whitehall), an investment vehicle managed by Goldman, Sachs & Co., agreed to purchase from RCPI $225 million of long-term debt. Goldman Sachs Mortgage Co. has acquired from RCPI $150 million of floating rate debt due Dec. 31, 2000 which will bear interest at LIBOR plus 4 percent and Whitehall has acquired from RCPI $75 million of 14 percent debentures due Dec. 31, 2007.
en ok, ég ætla ekki að fara í svona koppí peist frenzí eins og síðast.
en takið amk. eftir hvað mikið af þessum fyrirtækjum eru nákvæmlega sömu fyrirtækin, það er nógu óhgunanlegt en þegar við bætist hversu nánum böndum þessi fyrirtæki tengjast, þá er ljóst að það eru örfáir aðilar sem fjármagna þessa tvo aðila og munu hafa þá báða í vasanum hvernig sem fer.
Augljósustu dæmin eru auðvitað JP Morgan Chase (Chase er Rockefeller banki og JP Morgan vann fyrir Rockefeller) Citigroup og Morgan Stanley sem hafa dælt peningum í þá báða. Og svo auðvitað Lehman Brothers en það færi tíma í að útskýra það vel... smá tenging hér fyrir þá sem efast:
Under Peterson's leadership as Chairman and CEO, the firm acquired Abraham & Co. in 1975, and two years later merged with the venerable, but struggling, Kuhn, Loeb & Co. [25], to form Lehman Brothers, Kuhn, Loeb Inc., the country's fourth-largest investment bank, behind Salomon Brothers, Goldman Sachs and First Boston.
Lehman Brothers Investment Management Director George Herbert Walker IV, second cousin to U. S. President George Walker Bush, dismissed the proposal, going so far as to actually apologize to other members of the Lehman Brothers executive committee for the idea of bonus reduction having been suggested. He wrote, "Sorry team. I am not sure what's in the water at Neuberger Berman. I'm embarrassed and I apologize."
nóg í bili, lesið þetta og raðið þessum púslum saman, bráðum ættuði að fara að sjá hversu súra mynd þau framkalla.
Mun Powell styðja Obama? | |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Sá áhugaverða athugasemd á moggabloggi hér í gær, þar var manneskja sem taldi sig aldrei hafa hitt manneskju á Íslandi sem var fylgjandi framboði Íslands til öryggisráðs SÞ....
ég fór að hugsa og ég held að það sé bara rétt.... Það var ekki ein manneskja á þessu landi fylgjandi þessu rugli. Ekki einu sinni Ingibjörg Sólrún! ókei... kannski Ingibjörg Sólrún og örfáir og þá meina ég örfáir veruleikafirrtir stjórnmálamenn..
en hvernig kom þetta þá til og afhverju í ósköpunum voru Íslendingar að standa í þessu kjaftæði?
"mynduðum samskiptatengsl..!?" ertu að djóka? hví sendum við ekki bara póstkort? Við hefðum getað sent póstkort til allra íbúa evrópu fyrir þennan pening! Með fallegri kveðju og mynd af hallgrímskirkju! og gætum laumað inn "sorrí með bankaklúðrið, við misstum okkur smá!"
Það hefði sko komið Íslandi á kortið... en í staðinn sóuðum við peningum skattborgara í að selja fólki hugmynd sem ekki einu sinni Íslendingar voru sjálfir að kaupa, að við ættum eitthvað erindi í þetta ráð og að vera að blanda okkur í deilur á heimsvísu.
Hvaða fávita datt þetta eiginlega í hug og hvar er sá maður í dag!? Ég þarf að spyrja hann nokkurra spurninga!
Auðvitað vonbrigði | |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
17.10.2008 | 06:39
Örlítil samantekt um Rockefeller og Rotschild
Þetta eru skilaboð sem ég sendi til litla bróðir míns sem er aðeins of lokaður í hugsun til að meðtaka hve mikið er verið að bulla í honum, þó klár sé, ef aðeins við værum jafn samheldnir í markmiðum og skoðunum og þessar fjölskyldur.
Eftir að hafa lokið við þessa svakalegu samantekt sem er öll af wikipedia gat ég ekki hugsað mér að sóa henni á lokaðan, skilyrtan huga bróðir míns svo ég varð að deila því með lesendum þessara bloggsíðu líka.
fyrir þá sem halda að þetta sé ítarefni þá vitiði greinilega ekki hvað mikil vinna það getur verið að tengja saman þessi púsluspil til að mynd fari að birtast, þetta er toppurinn á ísjakanum:
Og áður en þið farið að gera "óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt" segi ég: ekki voga ykkur að halda fram að ekkert af þessu sé tengt stríðinu í Írak! þá eru þið hreinlega fáfróð. (tek þetta fram tvisvar, líka í lok færslunnar)
Hér er bréfið, en það byrjar á smá útlistun á valdi drottningar Englands en einblínir síðan á tvær fjölskyldur, Rothschild og Rockefeller. Það getur verið ruglingslegt að læra um þetta því það er svo mikið af sömu nöfnunum sem koma upp, svolítið eins og íslendingasögurnar... enn þetta ætti að gefa flestum ágæta hugmynd um hverjir það eru sem halda utan um spottana í þessum heimi:
Among the powers possessed by the monarch in the United Kingdom under the Royal Prerogative are:
The appointment and dismissal of ministers;
The dissolution of parliament and the calling of elections;
Clemency and pardon;
The award of dignities and honours;
The declaration of war;
The declaration of an emergency;
The grant of Charters of Incorporation;
The minting of coinage;
The issue and revocation of passports;
The expulsion of a foreign national from the United Kingdom;
The creation of new common law courts;
The creation of new universities;
The appointment of bishops and archbishops in the Church of England;
The printing of the authorised Church of England version of the Bible;
The publication of all statutes, legislative instruments and Orders-in-Council; existing and new
The exercise of jurisdiction over numerous Royal foundations of all kinds;
The appointment of Royal Commissions and Officers for any purposes;
The choice of the numbering of monarchs (See MacCormick v. Lord Advocate)
The prerogative also traditionally included duties, not just rights. The foremost of these were the defence of the realm and the keeping of the Queen's peace.
Þó því sé haldið fram að þetta sé ekki notað neitt og þess vegna skipti það ekki máli þá er það misskilningur, ástæðan fyrir því að það þarf ekki er sú að konungsfjölskyldan stjórnar þinginu og þarf ekki að grípa til slíkra ráðstafana.
en ef þingið myndi einhverntíman renna þeim úr greipum tryggir þessi öryggisventill að bretlandsdrottning sé alráð.
sem var sonur:
sem var systir (og taktu eftir því hvað þetta er opinberlega inbred ógeð)
Evelina de Rothschild was the daughter of Baron Lionel de Rothschild (1808-1879), the first Jew to sit in the British House of Commons. Her mother was Charlotte von Rothschild (1819-1884), a cousin from the Naples branch of the family.
Continuing the endogamy strategy within the Rothschild family to ensure that control of their wealth remained in family hands, on June 7, 1865, Evelina de Rothschild married her cousin Ferdinand James von Rothschild (1839-1898) of the Austrian branch of the family. Because of her parents' prominent position as one of the wealthiest and most influential families in England, guests at her wedding banquet and ball included Benjamin Disraeli, the ambassadors from Austria and France, and Prince George, Duke of Cambridge.
um bróðir þeirra
kemur svipað í ljós:
In 1840 Anthony Nathan de Rothschild married Louise Montefiore (1821-1910). She was a cousin, the daughter of Henriette Rothschild (1791-1866) and Abraham Montefiore. They had two daughters:
og svo áfram:
Nathaniel de Rothschild
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Nathaniel de Rothschild, (London, July 2, 1812 February 19, 1870 in Paris), known as "Nat," was the founder of the French wine-making branch of the Rothschild family.
Born in London, Nathaniel Rothschild was the fourth child of Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836) and Hannah Cohen (1783-1850). He moved to Paris, France in 1850 to work in the banking business owned by his uncle, James Mayer Rothschild (1792-1868). In 1842, Nathaniel de Rothschild married Charlotte de Rothschild (1825-1899), daughter of James Mayer Rothschild. They had the following children...:
Afhverju eru þau alltaf að giftast frænkum sínum með sama eftirnafni?
eru þau bara með svona ógeðslega afbrigðilega kynhneigð?
aftur um nathan:
From 1809 Rothschild began to deal in gold bullion, and developed this as a cornerstone of his business. From January 1814, he undertook a lucrative British government contract to purchase large amounts of bullion in order to supply coin to pay Wellington's troops, on campaign in Europe against Napoleon, and to make subsidy payments to British allies.
His four brothers helped co-ordinate activities across the continent, and the family developed a network of agents, shippers and couriers to transport gold and information across Europe. This private intelligence service enabled Nathan to receive in London the news of Wellington's victory at the Battle of Waterloo a full day ahead of the government's official messengers.[2]
In 1818 he arranged a £5 million loan to the Prussian government and the issuing of bonds for government loans formed a mainstay of his banks business. He gained a position of such power in the City of London that by 18256 he was able to supply enough coin to the Bank of England to enable it to avert a liquidity crisis.
"The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply." (Nathan de Rothschild) [1]
og nathan auðvitað: On 16 April 1867 he married Emma Louise von Rothschild (1844-1935), a cousin from the Rothschild banking family of Germany in Frankfurt. They had the following children:
Alfreð, bróðir Nathan:
In 1869, at the age of 26, Alfred became a director of the Bank of England, a post he held for 20 years. In 1892 he was one of those who represented the British Government at the International Monetary Conference in Brussels.
[edit] Zionism and the Balfour Declaration
As an active Zionist and close friend of Chaim Weizmann he worked to formulate the draft declaration for a Jewish homeland in Palestine. On November 2, 1917 he received a letter from the British foreign secretary Arthur Balfour, addressed to his London home at 148 Piccadilly, in which the British Government declared its support for the establishment in Palestine of a national home for Jews, later known as the Balfour Declaration. [1]
og um þetta í heild:
Endogamy within the family was an essential part of the Rothschild strategy in order to ensure control of their wealth remained in family hands. From the home base in Frankfurt, Rothschild sons not only established themselves in England but also in Paris, Vienna and Naples in the Two Sicilies. Through their collaborative efforts, the Rothschilds rose to prominence in a variety of banking endeavours including loans, government bonds and trading in bullion. Their financing afforded investment opportunities and during the 19th century they became major stakeholders in large-scale mining and rail transport ventures that were fundamental to the rapidly expanding industrial economies of Europe.
Rothschild is consistently in the top 10 global investment banks for M&A advisory. According to Thomson Financial data, in 2007 Rothschild announced 390 deals worth a total of $566bn, giving it 12.6% market share.[2] The firm is particularly strong in Europe, especially in the UK, France, Germany, Italy, and the Benelux countries, in each of which Rothschild consistently holds a top league table position. Rothschild's strength also extends to Eastern Europe, Asia, and Latin America. The main anomaly is in North America, where the firm leads the market in restructuring, but has made few inroads in M&A advisory.
The firm competes against a wide range of investment banks, from conglomerates like Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan, to other M&A specialists like Lazard and Greenhill & Co.. For comparison, Lazard is slightly smaller, and in 2007 announced 263 deals worth a total of $529bn; and Greenhill is about half the size, announcing 34 deals worth a total of $239bn.[3]
Rothschild's headquarters are in the City of London, the chief financial district of London. The firm is now a global investment bank with over 40 offices around the world.
Notable current and former employees
(excluding many notable members of the Rothschild family)
[edit] Business
René-Pierre Azria - Director of Jarden Corporation; Managing Director of Blackstone Indosuez
Franco Bernabè - CEO of Telecom Italia; Director of PetroChina
Michel de Carvalho - Vice-Chairman of Investment Banking of Citigroup; Director of Heineken International
José María Castellano - CEO of Inditex Group
Sir John Collins - CEO of Shell UK; Chairman of National Power
Alfonso Cortina - Chairman and CEO of Repsol
Douglas Daft - Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company; Director of The McGraw-Hill Companies
Dudley Eustace - Chairman of The Nielsen Company, Vice-Chairman of Royal Philips Electronics
Pehr G. Gyllenhammar - Chairman of Aviva; Founder of European Round Table of Industrialists
Jay Hambro - CEO of Aricom
Sir Graham Hearne - Deputy Chairman of Gallaher Group; Chairman and CEO of Enterprise Oil
Henry Keswick - Chairman of Jardine Matheson Holdings; Director of Mandarin Oriental
Lord Leach of Fairford - Director of Jardine Matheson Holdings; Chairman of Open Europe
Sir Carl Meyer - Deputy Chairman of De Beers; Governor of the National Bank of Egypt
Baron Moser - Chairman of British Museum; Chairman Economist Intelligence Unit
Paul Myners - Chairman of Guardian Media Group; Chairman of Marks & Spencer
Robert S. Pirie - Senior Managing Director of Bear Stearns & Co.
Gerald Rosenfeld - Head of Investment Banking of Lazard
Wilbur Ross - Famous investor and billionaire
Trevor Rowe - Director of the Australian Stock Exchange; Chairman of United Group
Anthony Salz - Senior Partner of Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer; Acting Chairman of Board of Governors of the BBC
Peter Smith - Chairman of Coopers & Lybrand; Chairman of Savills
Raymond W. Smith - CEO of Bell Atlantic; Chairman of Verizon
Baron Vallance of Tummel - Vice-Chairman of Royal Bank of Scotland; Chairman of British Telecom
[edit] Politics and public service
Thierry Breton - French Minister of Economy, Finance and Industry (2005-2007)
Liam Byrne - Minister of State at the Home Office (2006-present); Minister of State at Her Majesty's Treasury (2008-present)
Baron George - Governor of the Bank of England (1993-2003)
Baron Lamont of Lerwick - Member of the British Parliament (1972-1997); Chancellor of the Exchequer (1990-93)
Sir Edwin Leather - Member of the British Parliament (1950-1964); Governor of Bermuda (1973-1977)
Oliver Letwin - Member of the British Parliament (1997-present); Chairman of the Conservative Research Department (2005-present)
René Mayer - President of France (1953)
Baron Neuberger of Abbotsbury - Lord of Appeal in Ordinary (2007-present)
Georges Pompidou - President of France (1969-1974)
John Redwood - Member of the British Parliament (1987-present)
Felix Rohatyn - United States Ambassador to France (1997-2000)
Gerhard Schröder - Chancellor of Germany (1998-2005)
Sir Clive Whitmore - Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence (1983-1988)
Baron Wakeham - Leader of the House of Lords (1992-1994); Leader of the House of Commons (1987-1989)
[edit] Armed forces
General Baron Guthrie of Craigiebank - Chief of the General Staff (1994-1997); Chief of the Defence Staff (1997-2001)
og svo tengingin yfir í hin nöfnin sem ég talaði líka um:
Leopold David is the fourth and youngest child and second son of Lionel Nathan de Rothschild (1882-1942) and Marie Louise Eugénie Beer (1892-1975). From childhood he had a fondness for music and became an accomplished pianist and violinist. As a vocalist, he sang with the Bach Choir of London for many years and would later serve as its President. While in his teens, he joined the Royal Navy, serving for two years. He went to work at Kuhn, Loeb & Co., as well as at Morgan Stanley and Glyn, Mills & Co. before becoming a partner at his family's N M Rothschild & Sons in 1956.
og svo hitt nafnið sem er einnig áberandi í öllu sem varðar allt sem tengist þessum málum:
John Davison Rockefeller (July 8, 1839 May 23, 1937) was an American industrialist and philanthropist. Rockefeller revolutionized the petroleum industry and defined the structure of modern philanthropy. In 1870, he founded the Standard Oil Company and ran it until he officially retired in 1897.[1] Standard Oil began as an Ohio partnership formed by John D. Rockefeller, his brother William Rockefeller, Henry Flagler, chemist Samuel Andrews, and a silent partner Stephen V. Harkness. Rockefeller kept his stock and as gasoline grew in importance, his wealth soared and he became the world's richest man and first American billionaire, and is often regarded as the richest person in history.[2][3][4][5]
Standard Oil gradually gained almost complete control of oil refining and marketing in the United States. At that time, many legislatures had made it difficult to incorporate in one state and operate in another. As a result, Rockefeller and his associates owned separate corporations across dozens of states, making their management of the whole enterprise rather unwieldy. In 1882, Rockefeller's lawyers created an innovative form of corporation to centralize their holdings, giving birth to the Standard Oil Trust. The "trust" was a corporation of corporations, and the entity's size and wealth drew much attention. Despite improving the quality and availability of kerosene products while greatly reducing their cost to the public (the price of kerosene dropped by nearly 80% over the life of the company), Standard Oil's business practices created intense controversy. The firm was attacked by journalists and politicians throughout its existence, in part for its monopolistic practices, giving momentum to the anti-trust movement.
og eingetinn sonur hans:
John Davison Rockefeller, Jr. (January 29, 1874 May 11, 1960) was a major philanthropist and a pivotal member of the prominent Rockefeller family. He was the sole son and scion of the billionaire Standard Oil industrialist, John D. Rockefeller and the father of the five famous Rockefeller brothers. In biographies, he was invariably referred to as "Junior" to distinguish him from his more celebrated father, known as "Senior".
[edi] Business career
After graduation, Rockefeller, Jr. joined his father's business (October 1, 1897) and set up operations in the newly-formed family office at Standard Oil's headquarters at 26 Broadway. He became a Standard Oil director; he later also became a director in J. P. Morgan's U.S. Steel company, which had been formed in 1901. After a scandal involving the then head of Standard Oil, John Dustin Archbold (the successor to Senior), and bribes he had made to two prominent Congressmen, unearthed by the Hearst media empire, Junior resigned from both companies in 1910 in an attempt to "purify" his ongoing philanthropy from commercial and financial interests.[2]
During the Great Depression he developed and was the sole financier of a vast 14-building real estate complex in the geographical center of Manhattan, Rockefeller Center, and as a result became one of the largest real estate holders in New York City. He was influential in attracting leading blue chip corporations as tenants in the complex, including GE and its then affiliates RCA, NBC and RKO, as well as Standard Oil of New Jersey (Esso), and Associated Press and Time Inc, as well as branches of the then Chase National Bank, now JP Morgan Chase.
In 1921, he received about 10% of the shares of the Equitable Trust Company from his father, making him the bank's largest shareholder. Subsequently, in 1930, the Equitable merged with the Chase National Bank, now JP Morgan Chase, and became at that time the largest bank in the world. Although his stockholding was reduced to about 4% following this merger, he was still the largest shareholder in what became known as the "Rockefeller bank". As late as the 1960s his family still retained about 1% of the bank's shares, by which time his son David had become the bank's president.[4]
In the social sciences, he founded the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial in 1918, which was subsequently folded into the Rockefeller Foundation in 1929.[7] A committed internationalist, he financially supported programs of the League of Nations and crucially funded the formation and ongoing expenses of the Council on Foreign Relations and its initial headquarters building, in New York in 1921.[8]
Through negotiations by his son Nelson, in 1946 he bought for $8.5 million - from the major New York real estate developer William Zeckendorf - and then donated the land along the East River in Manhattan upon which the United Nations headquarters was built. This was after he had vetoed the family estate at Pocantico as a prospective site for the headquarters (see Kykuit).[11] Another UN connection was his early financial support for its predecessor, the League of Nations; this included a gift to endow a major library for the League in Geneva which today still remains a resource for the UN.[12]
hann átti 6 börn, þeirra á meðal:
Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller (July 8, 1908 January 26, 1979) was the forty-first Vice President of the United States, the forty-ninth governor of New York, a philanthropist, and a businessman.
Following President Nixon's resignation, new president Gerald Ford nominated Rockefeller, age 66, to serve as the 41st Vice President of the United States, after a long process of considering various candidates. Rockefeller's top competitor had been George H.W. Bush.
Vice President Rockefeller bust from the Senate collectionRockefeller underwent extended hearings before Congress, which caused embarrassment when it was revealed he made massive gifts to senior aides, such as Henry Kissinger. He had paid all his taxes, no illegalities were uncovered, and he was confirmed. Although conservative Republicans were not pleased that Rockefeller was picked, most of them did vote for his confirmation. However, some, including Goldwater, voted against him.[11].
bróðir hans:
John D. III would be the next Rockefeller manager for all family undertakings of social relevance. Since 1929, in total he sat on twenty boards of various institutions, most of which were family-related.
In addition, he was at one time a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Foreign Policy Association and the Institute of Pacific Relations, as well as being on the board of directors of Princeton University. In late 1950, he accompanied secretary of state John Foster Dulles on his trip to Japan to conclude a peace treaty, during which time he consulted with many Japanese leaders in practically every important sphere of that country's life.[2]
He was a prominent third-generation family philanthropist in his own right and founder of the Asia Society, the major institution he established in 1956 to foster greater cooperation between Asia and the United States. He also founded the Population Council in 1952, and a reconstituted Japan Society. In addition, he set up the United Negro College Fund for the ongoing education of African Americans, carrying on the family tradition in this area with his grandfather's funding of the education of black women at Spelman College in Atlanta.
og örstutt um son hans:
John Davison "Jay" Rockefeller IV (born June 18, 1937), generally known as Jay Rockefeller, has served as a Democratic U.S. Senator from West Virginia since 1985. He was Governor of West Virginia from 1977 to 1985.
In 2002, Rockefeller made an official visit to several Middle Eastern countries, during which he discussed his personal views regarding United States military intentions with the leaders of those countries. In October of that year, Rockefeller strongly expressed his concern for Saddam Hussein's alleged weapons of mass destruction program while addressing the U.S. Senate,
"There has been some debate over how 'imminent' a threat Iraq poses. I do believe that Iraq poses an imminent threat, but I also believe that after September 11, that question is increasingly outdated. It is in the nature of these weapons, and the way they are targeted against civilian populations, that documented capability and demonstrated intent may be the only warning we get. To insist on further evidence could put some of our fellow Americans at risk. Can we afford to take that chance? We cannot!"[5]
en áfram með bræðurna
Winthrop A. Rockefeller (May 1, 1912 February 22, 1973) was a politician and philanthropist who served as the first Republican Governor of Arkansas since Reconstruction. He was a third-generation member of the Rockefeller family.
og svo hinn "alræmdi":
David Rockefeller Sr. (born June 12, 1915) is a prominent American banker, statesman, globalist and the current patriarch of the Rockefeller family. He is the youngest and only surviving child of John D. Rockefeller Jr. and the only surviving grandchild of billionaire oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil. His five deceased siblings are: Abby, John D. III, Nelson, Laurance and Winthrop.
In the 1960s Rockefeller and other businessmen formed the Chase International Advisory Committee (IAC) which in 2005 consisted of twenty-eight prominent and respected businessmen from 19 nations throughout the world, many of whom were his personal friends; he was subsequently to become chairman until he retired from that position on the IAC in 1999. After the J. P. Morgan merger, this committee was renamed the International Council, and contains prominent figures such as Henry Kissinger, Riley P. Bechtel (of the Bechtel Group), Andre Desmarais, Lee Kuan Yew and George Shultz, the current chairman. Historically, prominent figures on the IAC have included Gianni Agnelli (a longtime associate, who spent thirty years on the Committee), John Loudon (Chairman of Royal Dutch-Shell), C. Douglas Dillon, David Packard and Henry Ford II.[13]
Under his stewardship the Chase spread internationally and became a central pillar in the world's financial system, including being the leading bank for the United Nations. It has a global network of correspondent banks that has been estimated to number about 50,000, the largest of any bank in the world. A notable achievement was the setting up of the first branch of an American bank at One Karl Marx Square, near the Kremlin, in the then Soviet Union, in 1973. This was also the year Rockefeller traveled to China, resulting in his bank becoming the National Bank of China's first correspondent bank in the United States.
Before becoming Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Paul Volcker worked for Chase. Volcker has had a long association with Rockefeller, becoming a member of the Trust Committee of the family in 1987, after stepping down from his position at the Reserve. The Trust Committee is the pivotal committee which controls the wealth of the family through trusts established by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., as well as the real estate firm that then owned Rockefeller Center, before it was sold.[14]
og taktu nú eftir:
World Bank and IMF
The Chase Bank has also had a strong connection to the World Bank, as three presidents (John J. McCloy, Eugene R. Black, Sr. and George Woods) all worked at Chase before taking up positions at the international bank. A fourth president, James D. Wolfensohn, is also closely associated with Rockefeller, serving as a director of the Rockefeller Foundation, amongst other family-created institutions.[15]
Rockefeller has also for many years hosted annual luncheons at the family's Westchester County Pocantico estate for the world's finance ministers and central bank governors, following the annual Washington meetings of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.[16] These luncheons were held at the Playhouse. These regular meetings were also attended by the other internationalist in the family, John D 3rd, up until his death in 1978.
It was through a recommendation from the World Bank's Eugene Black that Rockefeller gained a crucial executive assistant, Joseph Verner Reed, Jr., from the beginning of his Chase chairmanship; Reed had been an assistant to Black at the World Bank and had worked with Black when he was a Chase director, rising to become a Vice President. Reed was subsequently to become a crucial emissary for Rockefeller in the admittance of the Shah of Iran into the United States, amongst other duties. Later, in 1987, Reed became Under Secretary General for Political Affairs at the United Nations, a pivotal senior position that is traditionally given to the United States, thus becoming the top-ranking American in the United Nations Secretariat.[17]
[edit] Prominent associates
An early connection he developed in the 1950s was with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). As well as knowing Allen Dulles and his brother John Foster Dulles who was an in-law of the family [18]- since his college years, [19] it was in Room 3603 in Rockefeller Center that Allen Dulles had set up his WWII operational center after Pearl Harbor, liaising closely with MI6 which also had their principal U.S. operation in the Center.[20] He also knew and associated with the former CIA director Richard Helms, as well as Archibald Roosevelt, Jr., a Chase Bank employee and former CIA agent, whose cousin was the CIA agent, Kermit Roosevelt, Jr., involved in the Iran coup of 1953.[21] Also, in 1953, he had befriended William Bundy, a pivotal CIA analyst for nine years in the 1950s, who became the Agency liaison to the National Security Council, and a subsequent lifelong friend.[22] Moreover, in Cary Reich's biography of his brother Nelson, a former CIA agent states that David was extensively briefed on covert intelligence operations by himself and other Agency division chiefs, under the direction of David's "friend and confidant", CIA Director Allen Dulles.[23]
In November 1979, while chairman of the Chase Bank, Rockefeller became embroiled in an international incident when he and Henry Kissinger, along with John J. McCloy and Rockefeller aides, persuaded President Jimmy Carter through the United States Department of State to admit the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, into the United States for hospital treatment for lymphoma. This action directly
precipitated what is known as the Iran hostage crisis and placed Rockefeller under intense media scrutiny (particularly from The New York Times) for the first time in his public life.[24]
og þú hefur eflaust heyrt mig minnast á Henry Kissinger oftar en einu sinni:
Another prominent American public official with whom Rockefeller has had a longstanding relationship was his brother Nelson's long-time consultant and protege, Henry Kissinger, whose wife, Nancy Kissinger, (née Maginnes) was a former foreign policy aide to his brother. They first met in 1954, when Kissinger was appointed a director of a seminal Council on Foreign Relations study group on nuclear weapons, of which David was a member.[26]The relationship developed to the point that Kissinger was invited to sit on the board of trustees of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
Rockefeller consulted with Kissinger on numerous occasions, as for example in the Chase Bank's interests in Chile and the threat of the election of Salvador Allende in 1970 [27], and fully supported his "opening of China" initiative in 1971 as it afforded banking opportunities for the Chase Bank.[28]
President Jimmy Carter offered him the positions of United States Secretary of the Treasury and Federal Reserve Chairman but he declined both positions, preferring a private role (recommending Volcker instead as Fed Chairman, who was subsequently appointed). Another offer he declined was from his brother Nelson, who offered to appoint him to Robert Kennedy's Senate seat after Kennedy was assassinated in June 1968, a post Nelson also offered to their nephew Jay Rockefeller.[34]
[edit] Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission
A lifelong globalist, due to the strong influence of his father, he had at an early age further spread his connections when he was invited to attend the inaugural elitist Bilderberg Group meetings, starting with the Holland gathering in 1954. He has been a consistent attendee through the decades and has been a member of the "steering committee", which determines the invitation list for the upcoming annual meetings. These have frequently included prominent national figures who have gone on to be elected as political leaders of their respective countries including Bill Clinton who first attended in 1991.
David Rockefeller joined the Council on Foreign Relations as its youngest-ever director in 1949 and subsequently became chairman of the board from 1970 to 1985; today he serves as honorary chairman.[36]
In 2002 Rockefeller authored his autobiography Memoirs wherein, on page 405," Mr. Rockefeller writes: For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
It was a dissatisfaction with the failure of this group to include Japan that subsequently led to him forming the Trilateral Commission (TC) in July 1973, influenced by, among others, Zbigniew Brzezinski, the National Security Advisor under Carter and the author of Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era, published in 1970. They discussed forming the organization at a Bilderberg Group meeting in Belgium in 1972; Brzezinski subsequently became the inaugural United States director. The Commission also launched its own magazine, the Trialogue.
It held the founding session of its Executive Committee in Tokyo in October, 1973. In May 1975, the first plenary meeting of all of the Commission's regional groups North America, Europe and Japan, comprising some 300 members took place in Kyoto. In its Third Annual Report, released in mid-1976, the Commission noted that there was a "noticeably increased emphasis on trilateral ties as the cornerstone of American foreign policy".[38]
This Commission was to come under media scrutiny when it was later disclosed that Carter appointed 26 former Commission members (who must resign before taking up government positions) to senior positions in his Administration. Moreover, it also came out that Carter himself was a former Trilateral member. (The Clinton Administration, by contrast, had close to a dozen Commission members, including Clinton himself; both Gerald Ford and George Bush Sr. were also Trilateralists.)[39]
Rockefeller has always limited his giving to institutions directly or indirectly related to the family; for example, in 2005, at age ninety, he gave $100 million to the Museum of Modern Art and $100 million to Rockefeller University, two of the most prominent family institutions.
Wealth is also tied up in the successor companies to his grandfather's oil empire; as recently as 1998 he and other family members were still minority shareholders of the primary Standard Oil offshoot, Exxon Mobil, and David was keeping tabs on the company's progress
Some positions held/institutions founded during his lifetime
Chairman/Honorary Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations (Chairman: (1970-1985);
Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank (1969-1981);
Founder and North American Chairman (1977-1991), Honorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission;
A U.S. founding member, life member, and member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group (1954-);
Founding Chairman of the Partnership for New York City (PFNYC) (1979-1988);
Board Director, B. F. Goodrich & Co. (1956-64), Punta Alegre Sugar Corp., The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States (1960-65);
Chairman/Chairman Emeritus of the Museum of Modern Art (1948-, Chairman: 1962-1972, 1987-1993);
Founder and Chairman/Honorary Chairman of the Council of the Americas (1963-);
Honorary Chairman and Life Trustee of The Rockefeller University (Chairman: 1950-1975);
Trustee/Life Trustee of the University of Chicago (1947-1962, 1966-);
Director of the Peterson Institute (Formerly: The Institute for International Economics);
President and Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Harvard College Board of Overseers (1954-1960, 1962-1968);
President of the Board of Overseas Study at Harvard University;
Member, American Friends of the London School of Economics;
Co-founder and Chairman of the Chase International Advisory Committee';
Chairman, Chase International Investment Corporation (1961-1975);
Class A Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York;
Leading member of the Russian-American Bankers Forum (1992);
Chairman of the New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry;
Director of the New York Clearing House (1971-1978);
Founder and Chairman of the Center for Inter-American Relations (CIAR) (Cultural adjunct of the Council of the Americas, 1965);
Founder and Chairman/Honorary Chairman of the Americas Society;
Co-founder of the Chairman's Latin American Advisory Council;
Founder of the Forum of the Americas;
Honorary Chairman of the Japan Society;
Chairman of the Downtown-Lower Manhattan Association;
Director of the World Trade Center Memorial Foundation;
Co-founder of The Business Committee for the Arts (BAC) (1967);
Chairman of Morningside Heights, Inc.;
Board member of the Westchester County Planning Commission;
Board member of the Commerce Committee for the Alliance for Progress (1961);
Founder of the Emergency Committee for American Trade;
Director of the Overseas Development Council;
Director of American Overseas Finance Corporation;
Member of Reagan's President's Commission on Executive Exchange (1981);
Director of the US-USSR Trade and Economic Council;
Vice-Chairman of the Advisory Council for U.S.-China Trade;
Founder of the Emergency Committee on American Trade (ECAT);
Vice-Chairman of the Advisory Council on Japan-United States Economic Relations;
Chairman of the U.S. Advisory Committee on Reform of the International Monetary System;
Founding member/Honorary member of the Commission on White House Fellows (1964-1965);
A Trustee of the John F. Kennedy Library;
An Honorary Trustee and Chairman of the Executive Committee of International House of New York;
A Trustee of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1947-1960);
Primary Founder/U.S. Executive Committee, Dartmouth Conference;
Founder and Chairman of the International Executive Service Corps (IESC) (Chairman: 1964-1968);
Co-founder of the Synergos affiliated Global Philanthropists Circle;
Honorary Advisor/International Advisor of Praemium Imperiale;
Member of the Peace Parks Foundation;
Trustee of Historic Hudson Valley (1981-);
Chairman of the Stone Barns Restoration Corporation;
Chairman of Rockefeller Financial Services;
Chairman, The Rockefeller Group Inc. (1983-1995);
Chairman, Rockefeller Center Properties Inc. (1985-1992);
Co-founder and Advisory Trustee of the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (RBF) (1940) (Chairman: 1981-1987);
Co-founder and Honorary Trustee of the Rockefeller Family Fund (RFF) (1967);
President of his father's Sealantic Fund;
Founder of the David Rockefeller Fund (1989);
Founded and funded the David Rockefeller Global Development Fund (RBF) (2006);
Founded the David Rockefeller Graduate Program at Rockefeller University;
Co-founded, funded and on the Advisory Committee of the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (DRCLAS) at Harvard (1994-).
og smá aukalega af WTC:
The World Trade Center in New York City, United States (sometimes informally the WTC or Twin Towers) was a complex of seven buildings in Lower Manhattan that were attacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001. It was mostly designed by Detroit-based architect Minoru Yamasaki and engineer Leslie Robertson and developed by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey. It was initiated in 1960 by a Lower Manhattan Association created and chaired by David Rockefeller, who had the original idea of building the center, with strong backing from the then-New York governor, his brother Nelson Rockefeller.[2] The World Trade Center, New York, like most World Trade Centers located around the globe, belonged to the family of World Trade Centers Association. Prior to its destruction, Larry Silverstein held the most recent lease to the complex, the Port Authority having leased it to him in July 2001.[3] The complex, located in the heart of New York City's downtown financial district, contained 13.4 million square feet (1.24 million m²) of office space, almost four percent of Manhattan's entire office inventory at that time.[4]
og börn hans:
In 1991, he was elected by his cousins to succeed his father as Chairman of Rockefeller Financial Services, which is the $3 billion (in assets) holding company that manages the family investments, shareholdings and real estate in Room 5600, located in the GE Building in Rockefeller Center.
In 2001, he joined with William H. Gates, Sr. and George Soros, along with 120 other millionaires and billionaires - and with the moral support of Warren Buffett - in signing a petition to urge the United States Congress not to repeal the estate tax and gifts imposed on the families of the rich, in order to help maintain the meritocratic American system.
He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, with which his father has had a longstanding association and is currently honorary chairman. He is also, along with his father, a member of the San Francisco-based Bohemian Club and the Stowaway Camp in the Bohemian Grove.
In October 2006, the Rockefeller Foundation announced the appointment of David Jr. to its board of trustees, thus becoming the sixth member of the family to have served on the board since its founding by John D. Rockefeller in 1913 (see External Links).
Like her father, she has had a long involvement with the United Nations. She has been involved with consulting with the UN and the Ford Foundation on health care and family planning in Brazil, the US and Portugal. In June, 2003, Dulany joined the UN Secretary-General's Panel on Civil Society and UN Relationships as the only US representative. The UN maintains the aim of the panel is to "review past and current practises and recommend improvements for the future in order to make the interaction between civil society and the United Nations more meaningful".
She is also Chair of ProVentures, a business development company for Latin America and Southern Africa. She sits on the boards of Cambridge College, the Africa-America Institute, supports the family's Asia Society, and was previously on the board of the family's principal philanthropic organisation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, as well as serving a five-year term on the board of trustees of the Rockefeller Foundation (1989-1994). She is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, whose Honorary Chairman is her father.
Ég er viss um að ég gæti fundið ótal önnur dæmi um ítök þessara fjölskyldna og tilburði þeirra til að koma á laggirnar einni ríkisstjórn fyrir allan heiminn. En þetta er amk toppurinn á ísjakanum af því sem er ekki umdeilt af wikipedia.
Þetta er þó aðeins brot af því sem ég hef lesið og séð um þetta mál, svo ef þú nennir ekki að kynna þér þetta ok, en ekki þykjast geta fussað og hlegið þegar ég reyni að útskýra fyrir þér málið með örlítilli samantekt.
OG áður en þið farið að gera "óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt" segi ég: ekki voga ykkur að halda fram að ekkert af þessu sé tengt stríðinu í Írak! þá eru þið hreinlega fáfróð.
Vonandi að þið hafið haft, gagn, gaman eða óhug af.
Öryggissamkomulag í skoðun | |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
17.10.2008 | 00:42
249 milljónir... eigum meiri séns í eurovision...
nei og bara að minna á að þúveist, við erum víst gjaldþrota og allt það!
og hver verður svo kosnaðurinn ef við vinnum?
örugglega meiri en ef við hefðum þyrft að halda eurovision amk....
þetta er þvílíkur skrípaleikur að það er með ólíkindum.
á sama tíma og þið segið mér að ég og allir skattgreiðendur á Íslandi skuldi milljónir dæliði yfir mig fréttum um hversu miklum peningum er sóað í milliríkjakjaftæði sem við eigum ekkert erindi í, eins og 200 milljónir á tveimur árum í herflutninga til afganistan, fyrir ríki sem snúa sér síðan við og kalla okkur hryðjuverkamenn þegar við eigum engan pening.
Munu þær greiðslur t.d. stöðvast?
Af hverju er ekkert rætt um þetta en bara um það hvað við verðum að drífa okkur að virkja allt og einkavæða allt??
Hverjir standa á bakvið þetta hrun Íslands og hverjir eru að græða á því?
Þetta eru spurningar sem við verðum að fá svör við.
Stóra stundin nálgast | |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
17.10.2008 | 00:24
Ættum við ekki að fagna innlendri framleiðslu á tímum sem þessum?
Þarna er einmitt önnur lausn til að greiða niður skuldir ríkisins, þá þyrfti bara að ríkisreka eiturlyfjaverksmiðju, götuvirði slíkra efna er gífurlegt og gæti komið með hressilegan skurk í efnahagslífið á Íslandi.
Hægt væri að framleiða allar tegundir af eiturlyfjum í gríðarlegum magni en eftirspurn er eins og vitað er mikil eftir slíku. Einnig vaxa hér árlega ofskynjunarsveppir sem gætu verið markaðsettir sem séríslenskt fyrirbrigði.
Ísland gæti þá boðið túristum upp á ódýr eiturlyf og ódýrt vændi, jafnvel að bjóða einhvern helgarpakka þar sem væri jafnvel hægt að bjóða fólki að taka börn með sér heim, en vonandi verður barnaframleiðslan komin af stað af fullum krafti.
Þar að auki gætum við reynt að díla við vestrænar leyniþjónustur sem hafa lengi vel stjórnað eiturlyfjamarkaði heimsins og selt til þeirra góðan skerf að uppskerunni.
Við ættum ekki að vera að ráðast á innlenda framleiðendur, heldur styðja við bakið á þeim og efla til sóknar á eiturlyfjamarkaði heimsins.
Það er til nóg af lausnum!
Umfangsmikil fíkniefnaframleiðsla | |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |